Bridget Amato has over 18 years experience as a certified Massage Therapist, Yoga Rehabilitative Instructor, and Lymphatic Practitioner in the Medical Sector. She believes Myo-Fascial Massage combined with other modalities is a powerful tool to be pain and injury free.

Just like our car engines, homes, and hair. Our bodies stay pain and injury free when we take action by manual manipulation by a trained professional.

Receiving an enormous amount of Five Star reviews on Google and Yelp.

She offers a unique combination of Full Range Movement, deep concentrated pressure, and Lymphatic Massage. Her techniques and services boost the Immune System during Winter Months, prevent Fibrosis which is hardening of tissue after plastic surgery, and increase mobility where fascia is stuck not receiving nutrients in the body.

Our Services

Full Range Therapeutic Massage

Full Range Therapeutic Massage is deep concentrated pressure outlining bone structure at times with fingers and penetrating deep layers of muscles in the body. As a professional I recommend Full Range Therapeutic First several visits incorporating Myofascial Release relieving pain from tough membranes that wrap, connect,, and support your muscles.

Traditional Swedish Relax

Traditional Swedish Relax is more than a stress buster. Swedish Massage promotes circulation, balances blood pressure, and vital organs. Traditionally it is good to calm the nervous system because that is sometimes what our bodies need, listen 🙂

Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage is good for plastic surgery pre and post operative care, any kind of surgery, and those resisting cancer. This type of massage reduces lymphedema, lymphatic fluids collected in certain areas of the body, boosts the immune system, reduces scarring, infection, and swelling.

Many Medical Professionals agree Lymphatic Massage Guarantees Best Possible Outcomes From Your Surgery.
Bridget suggests daily morning meditation, stretch or Yoga and Massage for Full Range mobility in the body.
Light weights and technique to protect shoulders, knees, and back. Weight lifting is important to be proactive for our bones for osteoporosis to not break bones.
Support Organic and care of animals. Your dollar dictates farming practices, healthy soil for futures to come, and prevent animal cruelty.

Drink plenty of water by Harvard Medical

I promote Full Range Massage as a trained Massage Therapist working with doctors and nurses over the years to receive the most long lasting health benefits for your body and prevent most muscular issues such as:


I promote holistic practices however, I know I may not be the therapist for you. I wish everyone health, abundance, and happiness on your quest to heal and feel whole. God Bless and Namaste.
It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.
Make Time to Get a Massage Once Every Four To Six Weeks You’re Worth It.
Massage is Not a Luxury. Body Work is Preventive Medicine for Your Body and Brain Chemistry.


I had a new client 90min treatment based on the recommendation of my chiropractor. The session was excellent and Bridget determined the best areas to focus based on her pre-treatment interview and physical assessment. This was so much better than a spa massage and was truly therapeutic. I definitely will return.
W J.
Simi Valley, CA

Hours of operation

Please leave us a text message and we will respond within 2 hours.
Unless therapist takes day off or on vacation.
Bridget works in conjunction with Dr. John, an author, physical therapist, and chiropractor.
We can take care of most situations happening in the body. Please do not come in if you have Covid or broken skin lesions, We look forward to create a long term relationship with you and getting you feeling good and healthy non you’re body.